Latest news
  1. ALL NEW Pickleball League at Paddock Park
  2. Summer 2024 Tournament Schedule Released
  3. Volleyball Tournament Schedule Announced
  4. 2024 Season leagues and Events
  5. WNY Social Sports launches new website


WNY Social sports offer following League types:
Hi-Rec Coed 6’s, Low-Rec Coed 6’s, Intermediate Coed 6’s, Coed Power 4’s, and Elite 2’s

Tournament types on offer are: Blacklight Volleyball, Cash Prize 4’s, Volleybeer, Blind Draw, and WNY Social Sports Battle of the Champions

There are no limits on the roster, but 2 females must be on the court during the game. If only 1 female is available the team must play with 4 players – 3 males and 1 female.

We offer: Updated Courts (New Sand, Lines, Ref Stands and Equipment – courts tilled daily!)
Fun and friendly atmosphere
Online access to Standings, Scores and Schedules
Drink specials at the courts
Outdoor bar only feet from courts (at some venues)
League awards and Sponsor awards to each League Champion
Championship banner and cup with names engraved of each session winners to be displayed at each of our locations year round.

You can register as a free-agent, or register for a certain event/league/tournament on our website or contact us for details.

Refunds are only given if a league you registered for does not fill.  If you register as a Free Agent and we cannot find a team for you, we will also issue a refund.  Unfortunately, we are unable to give refunds for any other reason